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What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Maryland?

Car accidents can be extremely scary for everyone involved. If you don’t know what you should do after a crash, it can be even more unnerving. Accidents can result in serious injuries and huge financial losses. However, if you don’t take the correct steps, you could lose your right to get compensation from the at-fault party. You may also jeopardize your health. This article will outline the usual steps you need to take after a car accident in Maryland. For personalized advice, contact a Maryland auto accident lawyer. Remain Calm This may be very difficult to do. However, stay as calm as you can and check yourself and everyone in your car for injuries. Next, check on the occupants of the other vehicle. Call the emergency services immediately if anyone appears injured. Call The Police The other driver may ask you not to involve the police or your insurance company. They may instead offer to settle the matter with you privately. This may seem like a hassle-free option but it’s not a good idea. You need to have the accident documented by police especially when there are injuries involved. This is an important step in protecting your legal rights. Be cooperative but be sure to only give the police the facts and don’t guess or assume what caused the accident. Gather Information Get your driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance together so they’ll be at hand when the police arrive. If you’re physically able, use this time to take pictures of the accident scene and both vehicles. You can also try to get contact information for any eyewitnesses. Exchange Contact Insurance Details Get the name, address, and telephone number of the other driver. You should also ask for their insurance details including the name of the carrier and their policy number. Provide them with your information as well. The police will also collect these details if they come to the scene. Remember to get the names of the officers who respond. Watch What You Say There may be a lot happening around you and onlookers may be asking you what happened. Don’t discuss the details of the accident with anyone, not even the other driver. Even if you think you’re at fault, don’t accept responsibility. As any car accident attorney in Maryland will tell you, this can be used against you later. The police, insurance companies, and attorneys will assign blame after looking into the accident. However, if the other driver apologizes to you or admits that they were at fault, take note of what they said. It will be extremely helpful to mention this to your attorney. Get Medical Attention If you get seriously injured in an accident, the emergency services will be called. Otherwise, you’ll need to go see the doctor on your own. Even if you don’t believe your injuries are serious, it’s best to get a medical examination. If you delay in seeing a doctor, the insurance company could easily say you got your injuries elsewhere. You must go to the doctor, follow their instructions closely, and keep records of everything. Write Down the Details As soon as you can, write down everything you can remember about the accident. also, detail your injuries and as time goes on, record how they affect your daily life. Give as many details as possible. Call Your Insurance Company You need to contact your insurance company if any vehicles were damaged. They will provide you with instructions about what to do next. It is important that you follow their directives and do everything that’s required under your policy. Don’t Speak to the Other Driver’s Insurance Company You should never discuss the accident with the other driver’s insurance company without talking to your lawyer. Regardless of what the insurance adjuster tells you, they aren’t acting in your best interest. They will try to convince you to accept a very low offer or even get you to incriminate yourself. When the insurance representative calls you, write down their contact info and tell them you have an attorney.

Reach Out an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Maryland

One of the most important things you will have to do is contact an attorney. The other driver’s insurance company should compensate you if their client was at fault. However, most claims aren’t as straightforward as they seem. The insurer may offer you a very low settlement or even deny your claim outright. If you want to get fair compensation for your injuries and other losses, contact the Maryland injury lawyers at Pinder Plotkin. Your first consultation is free so set up your appointment today.