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How Can I Get Compensation for Truck Accident Injuries?

Truck accident injuries are often serious, and can result in lifelong problems. If you were involved in a truck accident that was not your fault, you should be compensated for your injuries and other losses. The person or entity that caused the crash should have to compensate you. Their insurance company would likely be responsible for footing the bill. Truck accidents can get complicated and the driver isn’t always at fault. Sometimes the trucking company or the person who loaded the truck can be held liable. That’s why you need to work with a local Annapolis truck accident attorney to ensure you identify the correct defendant. Regardless of who the liable party turns out to be, you will need to make a solid case for damages from their insurer. They will want to pay you as little as possible. Your attorney will work hard to quantify all your losses, gather evidence, and make a strong case for compensation. They will negotiate with the insurance company and ensure they don’t take advantage of you. If necessary, they will go to trial to recover the damages you deserve. To get compensation, you need to do all the usual things you would do after an accident. However, you also need to reach out to an attorney with experience handling truck accident claims.

Why Truck Accident Cases Are Different from Other Vehicle Accidents

There are a few things that set truck accident cases apart. Collisions involving passenger cars are often due to driver behavior. Truck drivers can and do cause accidents. They speed, fall asleep behind the wheel, and get distracted just like other motorists. However, they aren’t always at fault. Sometimes, they aren’t properly trained by their employers or they are encouraged to speed so they can make deliveries on time. Furthermore, trucking companies may allow their vehicles to travel for long periods without inspecting them. Given how many miles these vehicles cover, mechanical problems can develop and they can cause accidents. Another possibility is that the company that supplied or shipped the cargo didn’t indicate that it was hazardous. Many trucks carry flammable materials that have to be handled with care, but drivers don’t always get this information. If any of these factors were involved, you need assistance from a truck accident attorney in Maryland.

Seeking Compensation For Truck Accident Injuries

When seeking compensation, the state and federal regulations governing trucking companies and truck drivers will play a role. Truck drivers face additional laws along with the usual rules of the road. For example, they are limited in the number of hours they can work without resting and how much freight they can carry. If they broke a state or federal law, this can help your case. Trucks and other large vehicles are also likely to occur in different ways than other accidents. Rollovers, wide-turn accidents and jack-knifing are common. In preparing your case for compensation, your attorney will have to examine the relationship between the driver and the trucking company. If the driver was an employee, the company may be held responsible for their actions. Maybe they failed to properly screen the driver before hiring and they didn’t know they had a poor driving record. Given the demands of the trucking industry, this happens more often than you may think. Once your attorney has identified the correct defendant, they will seek to get you a fair settlement. The average settlement following a truck accident is usually higher than that resulting from a car crash. Given the severity of the injuries and damage which often result from truck accidents, you could be owed a substantial amount. In addition, trucking companies are also eager to avoid a long, expensive trial. Of course, you will have to prove that you suffered the losses you’re claiming and that they resulted directly from the accident. If the accident reflects badly on the company, the principals will also be eager to avoid the publicity of a trial.  Therefore, the driver or the company failed to comply with trucking regulations, you could get full compensation with help from your lawyer.

Contact Pinder Plotkin LLC Today to Get the Help You Need

If you got into a car accident that resulted in minimal injuries, you may be able to handle your case without a lawyer. However, truck accidents are different. Given all the factors involved, you need an experienced Maryland law firm that handles truck accident injuries to help you. At Pinder Plotkin LLC, we’ll do everything we can to help you secure compensation. Your first consultation is free so schedule it today!