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Why Should I Hire a Maryland Car Wreck Attorney?

If you have suffered injuries in a car accident caused by someone else’s actions, you should seek legal advice. No doubt, you’ll want to give yourself the best chance at getting your insurance claim approved. A Maryland car wreck attorney will represent your interests throughout the case and defend your rights as needed. Since most car accident attorneys work on a contingency basis, you have nothing to lose by reaching out to a lawyer. You won’t have to pay any legal fees unless the lawyer recovers compensation on your behalf. Let’s look at some of the ways an attorney can help you when you have to file an injury claim.

A Maryland Car Wreck Attorney Will Deal with the Insurance Company on Your Behalf

You may think you can take on an insurance company on your own. However, you need to know that insurance adjusters are trained to minimize the amount their employer has to pay out. They will do everything they can to avoid paying the full value of your claim. If you don’t have experience in negotiations, you won’t be able to act in your own best interests. The adjuster may even trick you into saying something that affects your ability to recover damages. When you have an attorney, the process will go a lot more smoothly. They know the tactics insurance companies use and how they should respond. They will:
  • Handle all the paperwork relating to your claim
  • Help you prepare the best written or verbal statement
  • Negotiate with the adjuster
  • Fight to get you full and fair compensation

They Will Help You to Prove Liability

One of the main aspects of a car accident injury claim is proving negligence. If you can’t prove another party was responsible for your injuries, you won’t be able to get compensation from them. Since everyone else involved in the crash is likely to shift blame, it can be difficult to prove who is liable. The individual you pursue for damages may even claim you contributed to the crash. This could bar you from getting compensation since Maryland practices a contributory negligence system. An experienced car accident lawyer in Maryland will go through all the evidence to determine who caused your injuries. They will then build a strong case on your behalf. Attorneys have the skills and resources to:
  • Interview witnesses
  • Get medical records from your doctors
  • Consult medical experts to validate the severity of your injuries
  • Reconstruct the crash scene
  • Get a copy of the accident report

Determine the Total Value of Your Injuries

It can be difficult to ensure you get enough compensation to cover all your losses. The insurance company may try to convince you to accept a quick, low settlement. Victims who are unrepresented often accept the first offer they get. However, if you have a competent attorney on your side, they will quantify the true value of your claim. They will push to ensure you get compensation for:
  • Past and projected medical bills
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

They Can File a Personal Injury Lawsuit if Necessary

One of the benefits of hiring a car accident attorney is that they will explain all your legal options. If the insurance company doesn’t make a reasonable offer, they can file a lawsuit on your behalf. Sometimes, this is the only way to get fair compensation. In most cases, the insurance company settles before the case goes to court. However, a skilled attorney will be prepared to take the case to court if it’s in your best interests.

They Will Explain the Policies and Laws Relating to Your Claim

Insurance policies can be difficult to understand and the laws relating to car accidents can be even more complex. Your lawyer will review these closely to see how they can use them to your advantage. They will guide you through the relevant processes to make sure you understand how they apply to your case.

When to Contact a Maryland Car Wreck Attorney

It is always a good idea to contact a lawyer after a traffic accident. However, there are certain situations in which it is highly recommended. These include when:
  • You suffered injuries
  • Your injuries are long-lasting or permanent
  • The other party is contesting liability
  • The insurance company denied your claim
  • The insurance company has offered a settlement that doesn’t cover your losses

Contact a Maryland Car Wreck Attorney Pinder Plotkin LLC Today for Assistance

If you get into a car accident, you need to contact a Maryland car wreck law firm as soon as possible. The lawyers at Pinder Plotkin LLC will do everything they can to help you. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.