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How Are Damages Recovered in a Maryland Car Accident?

After being involved in an auto accident, there is a variety of important takes that must be carried out to determine how damages are recovered in a Maryland car accident. This involves examining the details of the situation to determine who was at fault, how the damages are allocated and how recovery will be carried out. If you are wondering what to do after a car accident, your best course of action involves hiring an experienced attorney from Pinder Plotkin to share their experience and perspective on your case.
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What Responsibility Does the At-Fault Party Have in a Car Accident Case?

The at-fault party is responsible for paying for property damage inflicted in the accident. This doesn’t mean they will be the first to pay out for the needed repair work. The at-fault party may request time to investigate the accident to see if they are actually to blame in the accident. In this case, it will be the injured party’s insurance provider that will pay for the damages upfront. This prevents storage charges and other expenses from rising higher while awaiting their position. Once the at-fault party has made the decision to accept responsibility, the injured person’s insurance company will then come to an agreement over reimbursement. They may also find it necessary to apply intra-insurance company arbitration to ensure they receive their reimbursement for the damages they have already paid out.

How Does the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company Figure into a Settlement?

The at-fault party is responsible to compensate the injured party for medical expenses, lost wages, pain & suffering, mental anguish and any other economic or non-economic damages connected to the incident. Those are the major types of damages that can be compensated in Maryland: economic and non-economic damages. Those living in Maryland can purchase personal injury protection from their insurance provider which will cover lost wages and expenses to the tune of $2500. A person speaking with an insurance representative after a car accident. This is a good thing to have in the event of an accident. If a person will not be able to continue work as usual or have to face large medical expenses right away, this will allow them to face some of the charges with the help of their insurance company. This is done regardless of whether the driver was at-fault or not. The individual will purchase this coverage to mitigate the strain on out of pocket expenses that need to be made. This is very important because the financial needs will be immediate and the coverage may not be ready until after medical treatment has been completed. During this gap between the accident and the possibility of recovery, it is very helpful to have coverage under an insurance policy that will cover important needs that are connected to an accident.

What Does an Attorney Do for the Client in a Car Accident Case?

From the time we sign on with the case, you can count on the Maryland Car Accident attorneys at the Law Firm of Pinder Plotkin, to do everything we can to add weight to your case. This includes carrying out the following vital tasks with superior skill and exhaustive diligence:
  • Establishing the claim
  • Establishing communication with the insurance company
  • Gathering all the evidence necessary to pursue the claim
  • Obtaining medical bills and medical records
  • Following up that medical care is being received
  • Investigating the accident and its circumstances
  • Presenting the claim properly to the insurance company for consideration of settlement
Our law firm typically works to protect the interests of the injured party by seeking to recover the largest compensation possible for addressing their damages. Many times by building a strong case and conducting lengthy investigations, the settlement can be reached through negotiations. But, if this is not possible, the settlement will have to be sought in a court trial and Pinder Plotkin always come prepared for this eventuality. To begin the process of recovering damages, our lawyers will contact the insurance company of the at-fault party by sending a letter of representation. They will also begin to investigate the police reports and all other evidence that has been collected from the incident. The medical advisors of the injured party will also be notified of representation so that the proper medical documentation for the case can be obtained. The lawyers will also provide the insurance company working for the injured party so they can properly process the claim. Once the preliminaries are completed, Pinder Plotkin will submit a demand package to the at-fault party's insurance company. This will include the injured party-s side of the story regarding who was at fault and why. It will also detail the value of the damages suffered and the amount of compensation required to compensate the victim. If the negotiations are a success, your attorney will ensure that liens are addressed and medical expenses are paid. If the negotiations are not successful, the matter will have to be taken to claims court. But, a qualified Maryland car accident attorney will have no problem pursuing a lawsuit in court.