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Should I Seek Medical Attention After A Car Accident?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), each year Americans spend a combined total of over one million days in the hospital after being injured in car accidents. Additionally, they report that in 2012, the lifetime medical costs associated with such injuries was $18 billion. Despite these facts, many people wait to seek medical attention after being involved in car accidents, especially if they only show minor signs of injury. However, in this article we will explain why it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident.

How soon should I seek medical attention after being involved in a car accident?

It’s best to seek medical attention immediately after being involved in a car accident. If you are unable to seek immediate medical attention, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if you feel only minor pain after an accident, you should still seek medical attention. Injuries can take time to fully manifest, but a doctor can quickly diagnose and begin to treat injuries before they worsen. If anyone at the scene of the accident is injured, it’s important to request immediate medical assistance when contacting 911.

Why is it important to receive medical attention as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident?

In addition to the fact that your injuries could worsen without timely medical treatment, the insurance companies involved may try to reduce or completely deny payment of any medical expenses that you incur. This is because an insurance company could argue that you waited to seek medical attention because your injuries were inconsequential, or that an unrelated event caused your injuries.

I’ve received medical attention, as well as a treatment plan to help my injuries heal. What will happen if I don’t follow my treatment plan?

After being treated, it's incredibly important to follow the treatment plan prescribed, whether it calls for prescription medication, physical therapy, or another treatment method. This is not only to help you heal faster, but also to help your insurance claim. For example, if an insurance company recognizes that you aren’t attending your regularly scheduled physical therapy appointments, they can allege that such treatment is unnecessary and refuse to cover any associated costs. The insurance company may argue that had you not missed those appointments, you would have gotten better faster and have not needed the medical treatment that you received. In turn, they may also argue that had you followed your doctor’s orders, your injuries would have healed, thus making any permanent injury your fault.

Injured In A Car Accident and In Need of Medical Attention? Call the Pinder Plotkin Legal Team

If you or someone you love has been injured, or even died, as the result of a car accident, the Pinder Plotkin Legal Team is on your side. Our attorneys have years of experience representing clients in auto accident cases and for other personal injury claims, and we’re prepared to fight aggressively in court to defend your rights. We always offer free initial consultations for personal injury cases, so there’s no risk in speaking with us and receiving an honest and informed evaluation of your case. Call us at (410) 525-5337 or fill out our online contact form to speak with an attorney and discuss your legal options. The information provided in this website/blog is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.