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What is a Driver Improvement Program (DIP) in Maryland?

The Driver Improvement Program (DIP) is a driving course that is used in Maryland by the courts and the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). There are many reasons why a driver may be referred to the DIP by a judge or the MVA. However, you may voluntarily participate in the DIP if you desire. Some insurance providers may offer a discount for drivers who complete an approved driving course. Reasons Why You Might Be Required to Enroll in a Driver Improvement Program A common reason why Maryland drivers are referred for a driving course is too many points on their driving record. If you accumulate five or more points on your driving record, the MVA requires that you complete the DIP. The theory is that completing the DIP may prevent further traffic infractions that would result in additional points. You might also be required to complete the DIP by the court. The district court has the authority to require you to complete the DIP. In addition, you might also be referred by an Administrative Law Judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings. You might also be referred to the DIP if you hold a provisional driver’s license and you are convicted or receive probation for a moving violation. What is Involved in Completing the DIP? The DIP is an instructional program intended to “rehabilitate” drivers. The course takes between four to eight hours to complete. Many of the providers have an online course so that you do not need to attend the class in person. However, to receive your Certificate of Completion, you must appear in person to take a final exam. Therefore, some drivers prefer to appear in person for the class so that they can take the exam as soon as they complete the course. However, if you prefer to work at your own pace and review material several times, taking the online course might be a better option. The approved DIP providers set the fees for their services. Many companies charge between $60 to $75 dollars for the course.  The list of approved DIP providers has links to the websites so that you can compare fees and procedures to find a company that fits your needs. What Should I Do If I Receive Notice I Must Complete the DIP? Do not ignore the notice! Failure to complete a required DIP typically results in revocation of your driving privileges. You will be required to surrender your driver’s license to an MVA office. Once you complete the DIP, you may apply for a new driver’s license; however, applying for a new license is an additional fee. If you receive a notice from the MVA that you must complete the Driver Improvement Program, you should contact a DIP provider directly to schedule a time to take the course. Again, several providers also offer online courses, but you must appear in person to take the final exam. You must complete the course and pass the final exam before the deadline in the MVA notice. Once you obtain a certificate of completion from the DIP provider, you should not need to do anything further, unless the MVA notified you otherwise.  The DIP provider notifies the MVA of your completion. What Happens If I Am Out of Town or I Cannot Complete the DIP? To avoid losing your driving privileges, you need to contact the MVA immediately. If your reason for not taking the DIP is acceptable, the MVA will assign a new deadline and send a new notice to you. If you are out of state, it is your responsibility to contact the National Security Council (NSC) to determine if the NSC offers an approved driving program in your area. If you complete the program through the NSC, you must mail or fax the certificate of completion to the DIP unit of the MVA. Parkville Automobile Accident Attorneys The Pinder Plotkin Legal Team assists clients in seeking compensation for injuries and damages caused by a traffic accident. When you are injured in a car accident, you are entitled to file a Maryland personal injury claim against the driver or party responsible for causing the accident. You might be entitled to substantial compensation depending on the facts and circumstances of your case. Contact Pinder Plotkin LLC by calling 410-525-5337 to schedule your free consultation with a Parkville automobile accident attorney. It is important to learn about your legal rights and all your legal options from a trusted, experienced Parkville auto accident attorney.     The information provided in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject. The information contained in this blog is also subject to change and should not be relied upon. Contact the Pinder Plotkin Legal Team for a FREE consultation.