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Understanding PIP in Maryland Car Accidents

PIP coverage refers to insurance coverage that pays for lost wages, medical care costs and other disability benefits that you may require after getting involved in an accident regardless of who is at-fault for causing the accident. Choosing to acquire PIP coverage is a personal choice. Though some people choose not to acquire this type of coverage, it is highly beneficial and it does not require one to pay hefty monthly premiums. On choosing to acquire personal injury protection coverage, you may be asked to pay monthly premiums that range between $25-$50. In case you are involved in an accident, your PIP coverage can offer you compensation of between $2,500 to $10,000 to cater for damages sustained in an accident and medical costs.

What Impact Will Personal Injury Protection Coverage Have on My Maryland Car Accident Claim?

Having a PIP cover can be very helpful in case you have sustained injuries and require treatment but do not have cash to pay doctors. Remember that you cannot be given medical treatment without proving that you can pay your physician. However, with a PIP cover, you can easily prove that you have the ability to pay for treatment. After filing a claim and receiving settlement, remember that you will have to pay for legal fees and also clear any outstanding balance for treatment you have received. If you have personal injury protection, the amount of money that you will take out of your settlement to pay doctors and your lawyers will be less. This will translate to a bigger settlement for you.

What Are Some of The Common Misconceptions About PIP Coverage?

One of the most common misconceptions about this type of cover is that there is no need to get it since you may not get in an accident, the premiums are too high and that it is a scam by insurance companies to increase the amount of premiums you pay on a monthly basis. Though you actually pay a bigger monthly premium to service a PIP cover, the small amount that you add to your insurance can prove to be a worthy investment if you are involved in an accident. Should you be involved in an accident and you do not have a PIP cover, you will be forced to cough up money for treatment from your own pocket.

How Does a PIP Cover Affect the Compensation Amount I Will Receive After Filing an Accident Claim?

Without a personal injury protection cover, a person who is involved in an accident is usually forced to use their health insurance to pay for treatment. When their accident claim is settled, any additional money owed to medical service providers is cut from the settlement money. In contrast, a person who has a PIP cover will get all their medical expenses paid by using the PIP cover and there is no money cut from the amount given as compensation after an accident claim is settled.

What Benefits Do I Get from a Personal Injury Protection Cover?

In case of an accident in Maryland, the benefits of having a PIP cover far outweigh the small increase in the amount of monthly premiums you have to pay for this cover. Typically, a person with a PIP cover usually has a year to file for PIP compensation after an accident. However, a PIP cover can be used to cover treatment expenses incurred up to three years from the date of the accident. Additionally, a PIP cover can cover for any lost income as you are recuperating after an accident.

Contact the Auto Accident Lawyers at Pinder Plotkin To Get Your Queries on PIP Coverage Answered!

If you have been involved in an auto accident in Maryland and are seeking to understand how your PIP cover will impact your auto accident claim, call the experienced Maryland car accident lawyers at the law offices of Pinder Plotkin to schedule a consultation. Our highly skilled lawyers will review your case and claim and provide comprehensive answers on any personal injury protection questions you may have.