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What Is Workers’ Comp?

Chapter One:  What Is Workers’ Comp? The workers’ compensation system provides wage and medical benefits for employees who become ill or injured on the job. Workers’ compensation is mandated by state law; therefore, the laws vary slightly by state. However, the purpose remains the same — to ensure that workers who are injured or develop an employment-related illness receive the medical care they need to recover. With very few exceptions, employers in Maryland are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect injured employees. The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) administers the workers’ comp system for the state. Claims under the Workers’ Compensation Act are filed with the WCC. Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Maryland The Workers’ Compensation Act authorizes a variety of benefits for injured workers. A worker who is injured or becomes ill during the normal course of employment may be entitled to receive:
  • Temporary Total Disability (TDD) Benefits when an employee cannot return to work during treatment because the injury or illness results in complete disability.
  • Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) Benefits when an employee is only able to work part-time while receiving medical treatment.
  • Medical Benefits pay for all necessary and reasonable medical treatment related to the injury or illness.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits allow an employee to receive training for another job when the workplace injury or illness prevents the employee from performing work the employee was previously trained to perform.
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Benefits compensate a worker who sustains a permanent partial impairment or disability.
  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD) Benefits compensate workers who are permanently and totally disabled. In most cases, workers who lose a body part or lose the use of certain body parts are automatically considered permanently disabled.
  • Death Benefits are paid to family members when an employee dies because of a workplace injury or illness. These include dependency benefits (e.g. spouse and children) and funeral expenses.
The types and amounts of workers’ compensation are dictated by law. However, workers’ comp insurance providers and employers may attempt to deny a valid claim or play a worker less than the worker is owed by law. In this eBook, our Maryland workers’ compensation attorneys discuss several of the issues related to workers’ comp claims in Maryland. Our goal is to provide information that you may find useful if you have been injured at work or you believe your illness developed because of your employment. If you have questions about worker’s comp claims in Maryland, you may contact Pinder Plotkin by calling 410-525-5337 to schedule a free consultation with a Maryland workers’ comp attorney. The Pinder Plotkin legal team is dedicated to assisting injured workers and their families in receiving the workers’ comp benefits they deserve after being injured on the job. Check out more information in these relevant blog posts:  What to Do If You're Injured on the Job in Maryland Are Workers' Comp. Awards Taxable in Maryland How Do You Pay A Maryland Workers' Compensation Lawyer?