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What Should I Do After An MTA Bus Accident?

Millions of passengers use The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to commute throughout Maryland each year. The MTA Maryland transit system is the thirteenth largest rapid transit system in the United States. It utilizes over 1,300 vehicles to provide service to Maryland residents and visitors 24 hours a day. The transit system includes local buses, light rail, the metro subway, Marc Train, commuter buses, and mobility vehicles. During 2016, the vast majority of riders used local buses over other MTA transportation options. Preventable Accidents Involving MTA Buses According to MDOT, there was an average of 1.70 preventable accidents per 100,000 miles traveled on MTA buses during 2016. Sadly, passengers on MTA buses can be seriously injured or killed in a bus accident. With the help of the Pinder Plotkin Legal Team, accident victims and their families can seek compensation for their injuries, losses, and damages caused by a bus accident in Maryland. Steps to Take After an MTA Maryland Bus Accident If you are injured in a bus accident, including when boarding a bus, getting off a bus, or while riding a bus, it is crucial that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Medical records documenting your injuries are particularly important in a bus accident claim. If possible, it can be helpful to take pictures or make a video immediately after the bus crash AND make sure you identify yourself as a passenger to the bus driver and the MTA Police when they arrive.  Make sure you gather the driver and investigating officers contact information.  It is also helpful to get contact information from other passengers and witnesses.  However, do not endanger yourself or others in an attempt to gather evidence from the accident scene. As soon as possible, you should contact our office for a free consultation with one of our bus accident attorneys. Claims involving injuries sustained because of an MTA vehicle can be difficult and complicated. An experienced bus accident lawyer can help you avoid mistakes that could cause your claim to be delayed or denied. Common Causes of Maryland Bus Accidents Bus accidents in Maryland occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the common factors that contribute to the cause of a bus accident include:
  • Impaired driving (drunk driving or drugged driving)
  • Speeding or reckless driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Falling asleep behind the wheel or drowsy driving
  • Following too closely
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Failure to provide adequate training or supervision
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Hazardous or dangerous road conditions
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Faulty or defective equipment
  • Poorly maintained equipment
The person or party responsible for causing the bus accident may be liable for payment of damages to the accident victims. However, it may be difficult to determine the factors that contributed to the cause of the cause of the accident and the party or parties responsible. A Maryland bus accident attorney can investigate the crash to determine the cause and identify the liable parties. Proving Liability for a Bus Accident in Maryland There are distinct challenges involved in investigating a bus accident because a government agency is involved. In addition, suing a government entity is vastly different from suing an individual.  Therefore, it is always a wise decision to consult a bus accident attorney in Parkville as quickly as possible after an injury or accident. Injury claims involving government entities often have very short deadlines and other filing requirements. Parties that may be held liable for a bus accident include:
  • The bus driver
  • Another motorist
  • The MTA or other government agencies
  • Contractors and sub-contractors
  • Road crews and construction companies
  • Parts manufacturers
  • Maintenance providers
Buses are considered common carriers because they provide transportation services to the public. Therefore, the operators of a bus and all those who are involved in the operation of the bus owe a duty to the public to provide safe services. If a party fails in the duty of care to provide safe services, that party can be held liable for a victim’s damages. Injuries and Damages Associated with Bus Accidents The injuries in a bus accident can be extremely severe and life-threatening. Bus accidents can be as catastrophic as a truck accident because of the size and weight of the vehicle involved. In addition, when the bus is crowded, people may be thrown into each other and objects brought onto the bus may become projectiles during the collision. It is also important to remember that injuries may also be sustained when boarding and departing the bus. Injuries that are common in bus accidents include broken bones, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, paralysis, burn injuries, and internal organ damage. The compensation you may receive after a bus accident depends on several factors. However, most bus accident victims are entitled to compensation for:
  • Lost income
  • Medical care
  • Property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional and mental trauma
  • Future damages and losses
A Maryland bus accident attorney can help you document each of your damages to increase the likelihood of full compensation for all damages and losses. Contact a Parkville Bus Accident Lawyer for a Free Case Review To schedule a free consultation with a bus accident lawyer in Maryland, contact Pinder Plotkin LLC by calling 410-525-5337 The information provided in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject. The information contained in this blog is also subject to change and should not be relied upon. Contact the Pinder Plotkin Legal Team for a FREE consultation.